News Wholesaler.Ru
We bring to your attention the latest news about wholesale trade in Russia, published by the editors of the Wholesaler.Ru.
- Russian trade representative in Germany spoke about the work of the German business19:17 15.07.2019
- Supporting closer ties between the EU and Eurasian Economic Union17:37 21.06.2015
- India to sign free trade deal with Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union18:08 18.06.2015
- The Portal Wholesaler.Ru is on-line now!14:37 15.06.2015
Tags: news; messages
What do you think about the wholesale trade in Russia? (votes: 16)
- Highly developed - 8 (50%)
- Medium developed - 2 (12%)
- Poorly developed - 2 (12%)
- I do not know - 4 (25%)